DualFishNews Station - Make Internet Money Easy & Simple

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

105: Music Store

What is Apple computer best selling product... iPod... MP3 is the hottest market now.

Many people is buying music online... downloading music online... you can also share this pie.

Sign up for the following affiliate program and you can operate your own music store.

iTune music store (World best music store)
Sheet music store


You can also compose and sell your own music... set up a website and promote it... ;-)

I wish you success.

104: Programmer, You can sell your own software easily!

Are you a computer programmer? Do you some great software idea in mind?

Well, you can build your own software and you can recruit millions of sales people to sell the software for you. You can then reach out the millions of potential buyers.

You pay your sales agent by commission for every sales they make.

It is very simple and easy.

How do you recruit your sales agents?

Simple, just register at Clickbank for a one time fee. Then, you can reach out to millions of sales people to promote your software.

Clickbank offer comprehensive service for you to manage your sales commission payout, allow you to track your sales agent performance and it manage the payment gateway for you too. Very simple and easy.

Click Here to Register at ClickBank

Remember, the internet has no boundary, the sales agents come from everywhere of the world, they will bring millions of potential customers to you.

Start building your software now...

I wish you success.

Provided by KP at Dualfishnews Station (http://www.learnfromgurus.com/)