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Thursday, May 18, 2006

102: You can Set Up Your Own Travel Agency Online

As I was telling you that you can have your own book shop online.

Now, I have another exciting news to share with you.

You can also set up your own Travel Agency online. Simple & Easy, Making Money.

Why Travel Agency?

According to PhoCus Wright, Inc. (www.phocuswright.com), online travel is projected to hit $65.4 billion by 2005. Online travel is growing globally and this continue to increase.

You can take a share of this pie online. Well, imagine, just a small small percentage market share is also very very good business for you.

What Product or Service?

I told you that having the online travel agency or shop is Easy & Simple. You might be wonder what service you can offer at your online shop. Don't worry, all service has also been provided for you to sell Easy & Simple, Making Money.

Take a look at the service you can have:

- Over 18,000 Special Internet Rates - Guaranteed Lowest Rates
- Additional 40,000 properties from leading GDS companies
- Vacation Packages - Air, Car & Hotel
- Patent Pending Confidence Rating - Know which properties to sell
- Car Rental and Airline reservations
- Destination Guide content in over 5,000 cities worldwide
- Monthly Specials to feature
- Cruise Booking engine

Is that sufficient? I thought so. This can provide you to start your online travel very Simple & Easy.

Okay, now, what's the deal? How can I have set it up?

Visit the following site & Sign up at an affiliate at no cost. And You can done, Simple & Easy.

Provided from Dualfishnews Station (http://www.learnfromgurus.com)