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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

101: You can operate a BIG Book Shop Online without any book stock

Do you like reading? Have you ever wondered to have your own book shop one day?

But everyone think book shop require a big capital, you will need to find a shop, renovate the shop, build the book shelf, stock up the books, you need an inventory system, you need to hire manpower... countless of activities and a big lump sum of investment.

Many people give up this idea after the initial exploration and think it is not possible.

But I am going to tell you that it is possible that you can operate a BIG Global bookshop without capital investment.

It is made possible through the internet.

Have you heard about amazon? I am sure you will. You might have even bought some book from there as well.

Well, there is a business opportunity from Amazon. Amazon offers an affiliate program. You can be the agent to sell book on behalf of Amazon. You do the marketing and Amazon handle the stock, delivery and back office. You will get paid commission.

Amazon has one the widest affiliate network in the world. It is working and it has help many people making money online.

You can also. Logon to Amazon website and register as an affiliate at the link below:

You can now to start operating your book store online ;-)

I wish you success.

Provided by KP at Dualfishnews Station (http://www.learnfromgurus.com/)