DualFishNews Station - Make Internet Money Easy & Simple

The World Most Updated News Station to Learn & Earn Money from Internet. All hints and tips to help you make money Easy & Simple

Friday, May 19, 2006

103: Do you like to be a Publisher or Writer?

How are you today... I wish you a great day ahead ;-)

I have mentioned about online bookshop and travel agency. Well, some of you might like it, some of you don't. Don't worry... I still have lots and tons of ideas to share with you. Just stay tuned with me and I won't disappoint you.

My mission is TO Help You Making Internet Money Easy & Simple.

Good, I am going to share with you another opportunity. Do you like writing? You can be the publisher of your own book and sell or give them away for tons of money.

Then HOW? I will give you a step by step guide, Making money is simple as 1-2-3:

1. Choose a topic. This can be anything you like to find out, angthing you specialise in, anything you are passionate about.

2. Write 1-2 pages a day. Start write one page a day, or you can write 2 pages a days about the topic. In 1 months time. You will have about 30 - 60 pages of write up.

3. Publish your eBook. After writing for 1 month, you are ready to publish your eBook. eBook is an electronic book that you can read on the computer.

You can sell this eBook now and start making money.

What software can I use?
I have researched and tried a few software and I found the following ebook compiler software very useful:
eBook compilerThis is a good option to start with. This is an award winning software and you can download for free. Evaluate it and pay to register when you are ready to sell your ebook.
EasyEBookPro This software offers more sophisticated options like security & privite branding option to the eBook. This is good value for money with so many extra features.

Ready to write an eBook?
Start taking out a piece of paper and write 50 topics. Choose 3 topics and start writing 1-2 pages for every topic. You will have 3 ebooks ready for sell at the end of the month.

Making Internet Money is Simple & Easy. I wish you success.

Provided by KP at Dualfishnews Station (http://www.learnfromgurus.com)


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